72 DEAD HORSES LATER - Bob Baffert is STILL TRAINING HORSES!!! SO is Steve Asmussen and racing in New York and other states. Whose JOB is it to stop these HORSE ABUSING MONSTERS???
PETA - who I DO NOT ENDORSE-after they killed the dogs we rescued during Harvey-amongst other horrors-at least did the expose, they showed you ON VIDEO the harm Asmussen does to his horses. His horses have been found and rescued by multiple people who are speaking out on Facebook about their "prior condition" when rescued, including Silver Fin allegedly "rescued" by Randi Collier of Soul Horse TX who is a fraud, now called @soulhorses -but has video proof of his rescue.
Whose JOB is it to ARREST Steve Asmussen and Bob Baffert for animal cruelty? Is it the FBI who investigated Santa Anita Park after 49 horses dropped DEAD their and found nothing, not even ties to the Russians whom own half of the Stronach Group's business interests.
Is it the Local Police in New York and California, what about Louisiana? The Humane Society??? Why are NONE of these assholes arrested for animal cruelty???
Now all that being the case - why am I the one who has to ask this??? Where are the high powered attorney's for the NYRA, for Churchill Downs??? Evidently Churchill Downs High Powered Attorneys are NOT asking these questions because they ALSO are on Baffert's payroll and represent #TeflonBob.
HAD their attorney's - done due diligence, hired the Private Investigators such as Grostyan Private Investigations in Minneapolis, that they hire to follow me around and take photos and note my actions and movements, then they would easily find PLENTY of evidence of animal cruelty, dead horses, kill pens etc. yet they DO NOT. So without that CRITICAL KEY PIECE of information that would put this case to bed, how are they even able to go after #TeflonBob.
When the Justice Department FAILS EPICLY in their job, this is what is left over-attorney's who do not have MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL CHARGES to go off to make their claim Bob Baffert is a disgrace and is taking the entire horse racing community down with him- DO THEY??? HELL NO THEY DO NOT. THIS WOULD BE AN OPEN AND SHUT CASE - GAME OVER BAFFERT IF THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT DID IT'S DUE DILIGENCE IN CALIFORNIA- YET WE ALL KNOW IT DID NOT - FROM ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVISTS TO EVERY HBPA OUT THERE.
Well now that lack of justice is coming straight at the very root of horse racing. Once that root is pulled and you better believe it is being yanked on by people from EVERY SINGLE DIRECTION, we all saw the emberassment of Baffert on Saturday Night Live, NOBODY can deny he is the laughing stock of the industry and it's achilles heal.
We STILL DO NOT KNOW who won the Kentucky Derby, and Bob Bafferts splits sample also tested positive, and that was the moment Churchill Downs should have disqualified him and "Medina Spirit" and made if official, but their attorneys-who also happened to represent Bob Baffert, obviously didn't advise that, if they did it wasn't made public and CDI (Churchill Downs did not follow their advice) it doesn't matter what the THIRD split sample - if it even EVER comes back from the lab, NO DRUG TEST TAKES THIS LONG, they take hours at best, not MONTHS AND MONTHS-but their is nothing it can state that would stop "Medina Spirit" from being disqualified. The First sample was positive. CHECK. The second "Split Sample" was positive. CHECK. Nobody else in horse racing GETS a third sample. END OF STORY. Stop with the side show Bob Bullshit.
Now good luck NYRA convincing the public that Bob Baffert is NOT ABUSIVE and the FBI did due diligence in their investigation because the PUBLIC ALREAD KNOWS THAT IS NOT THE CASE AND HE HAS A TRAIL OF 72 DEAD HORSES, including "Noodles" who DIED AFTER "Medina Spirit" originally won the Kentucky Derby, but failed a drug test.
And yes, we all got a good chuckle the year before when Bob Baffert got trampled by his own horse "Authentic", poetic justice, in the winner circle. The same year his Assistant Trainer had his arm broke by "Thousand Words" in the SAME Kentucky Derby race, perhaps if officials, had done due diligence and drug tested the horse after his arm broke, OSHA??? HELLO??? This might not be where we are at today.
Either way, horse racing can NOT win, check mate happened a long time ago you FAILED to stop the slaughter and so we shut you down. Now why these horses are still selling for MILLIIONS of dollars as racetracks are shuttering down fast, Arlington Park, Calder to name just a few, is anyone's guess but as for racing...End Of Story. XOXO
