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Churchill Downs AND Saturday Night Live are BOTH Owned by Vanguard and Blackrock #TwitterDown XOXO

After reporting late last night about the fact Churchill Downs is owned by Vanguard and Blackrock, I woke up this morning, and was being asked to delete the tweets about the "Medina Spirit" necropsy with a side by side comparison of a real necropsy.

***Updated and Updating***

Please note that while they review my appeal I can not access my Twitter account which is now locked.

Now the last stories I posted on - were about Blackrock and Vanguard owning Churchill Downs and on Soul Horse TX scamming me on "Strollin Willie" then when I got proof Maggi Moss lied about "Felonious Friend" a race horse she once owned about being stolen by Hal Parker, and Randi Collier started acting shady, I called her out on Twitter at which point she claimed "Strollin Willie" died AND posted a fake death vet record days later after hounding her for proof he did actually die and she wasn't using him to manipulate me, to stop writing the truth that had been revealed about Randi Collier's DONOR Maggi Moss who Randi Collier gave my name and address to which was used to dox me.

No Question - they wanted this information shut down, and this is who reported it. This was posted last night and someone tagged me in it. (I blocked gangstalker whiskey50503170) XOXO

First The connections between Blackrock and Vanguard revealed. XOXO

Blackrock and Vanguard are the two largest owners of Churchill Downs stock.

Comcast who owns NBC/Saturday Night Live is owned by Vanguard and Blackrock as well.

Saturday Night Live is owned by Comcast (Owned by Churchill Downs Owners Blackrock and Vanguard) XOXO

During the NYRA vs Baffert trial the SNL skit was heavily mentioned as destroying horse racing's social licensing. Why would Churchill Downs owners want to destroy their own social licensing- prior to the sale of Arlington Park?

That was the reason Twitter gave for taken down my account, however since my pinned tweet incriminated Maggi Moss, I think @whiskey50503170 had other reasons for taking it down. XOXO

Onto the "Strollin Willie" posts I also made last night, which show you the kind of criminals Maggi Moss and Randi Collier are. XOXO

One Month before "Strollin Willie" was allegedly euthanized Randi Collier tried to sell him and "Silver Fin." "Silver Fin" was later sold without a contract.

Post dated: March 1

How did "Strollin Willie" go from adoptable to "allegedly dead" in one month?

I had to force Randi Collier to tell the public about "Strollin Willie" - she personally told me he died to manipulate me at the time, and was not notifying the public for some reason.

"Strollin Willie" was finally formerly announced dead April 21, 2019 by Randi Collier, but was he REALLY dead? Did Randi Collier kill "Strollin Willie" because she could no longer use him to manipulate me anymore? Is he still alive?

After publicly calling Randi Collier out for being a lying fraud - and with holding information from me that proved Maggi Moss lied about Felonious Friend being stolen for over a week- I gave Randi Collier the benefit of the doubt to try to explain this to me offline.

Proof I owned "Strollin Willie" at the time he was allegedly "Euthanized" without my consent.

E-mail from Maggi Moss to Dina Albarano BEGGING her horse rescue to take in "Felonious Friend" a horse Maggi Moss told Union Parrish Sheriff's Office was STOLEN by Hal Parker who was charged with a FELONY For this at the time.

I sent this to Kevin Whitehead in the Louisiana Parrish Sheriff's office - they had the proof and could have dropped the charges much earlier, Hal Parker spent many months in jail over these allegations. (Note: I do not know Hal Parker) - I just happened to get the proof of his innocence and forwarded it to the proper authorities who then harassed me online sexually and called and harassed my home, and then Randi Collier gave my name and address to Maggi Moss and Victoria Keith- who started calling and harassing me, and along with Robin Fairweather and Grostyan Private investigations who are affiliated with Canterbury Park started stalking me.

@whiskey50503170 sent me this claiming it was from Marcia Alvarez Randi Collier's business partner who also co-owned Soul Horse TX with her. (Where I sent the donations and board for Strollin Willie every week).

I sent this to the UP Sheriff. This video was dropped by the LLamas to emberass and discredit Randi Collier, while I was paying for board for "Strollin Willie" at Soul Horse TX.

They then removed my social media posts, so like now I can not tell my side of the story and incriminate them. Victoria Keith of Fox HIll Farms (omaha beach/NTWO0 liking the post) I also have screen shots of stolen accounts made in my deceased Mom's name - stealing her obituary photo and cropping a dick on it ALSO liked by Victoria Keith, and they stole my identity and made a video ALONG WITH RANDI COLLIER to discredit me, and make me look crazy which was posted on Twitter after my account was locked and I could not defend myself. I e-mailed Randi Collier at the time it wasn't me, and she just kept it up publicly-purposefully KNOWING it was NOT ME - then NEVER acknowledged on her twitter it was not me NOR publicly apologized only allegedly killed the horse I was boarding there before she gave my info to the same people who used it to dox me and post photos of my home.

I have proof and screenshots of all of this, which I can not post because it is sexually harassing material.

After getting doxxed and harassed and having to move after all the harassment from NTWO and the Union Parrish Sheriff's office, which has NEVER been criminally charged - YET - this is how I found out "Strollin Willie" was "allegedly dead" or getting euthanized / killed by Randi Collier AFTER I called her out for frauding me and the public.

After telling me she was going to kill "Strollin Willie" after giving Maggi Moss my address and phone #, to dox and harass me she had this to say regarding our hurricane harvey rescue efforts where we saved over 2,500 human lives, and would have saved another 2,500 human lives if Google had not dropped our rescue map and Governor Abbott had not killed some of our rescuers as their boats capsized in the middle of the night as they were in the process of risking their own lives to save others in Port Arthur when he intentionally released the dam and the rushing flood waters capsized the boats of several rescuers killing them.

We also rescued countless horses, dogs, and cats that were later killed by PETA, and Houson SPCA - euthanized after we saved them, after people DIED saving them - and the entire time Governor Greg Abott never lifted his 3 day kill policy at Texas dog and cat shelters, even as people were still widely reported missing and the roads were undriveable, and people were relocated to emergency shelters with no way to find their missing pets.

My receipts for the money I paid to sponsor then later board "Strollin Willie" at Randi Collier's and Marcia Alvarez's Soul Horse Tx can be found here.

Proof Randi Collier did NOT notify me BEFORE she allegedly killed "Strollin Willie."

"Strollin Willie" had "Secretariat" and "Seattle Slew" in his bloodlines.

They used a horse I sponsored and boarded after being given as a gift by Randi Collier "Strollin Willie" to torment and harass me.

To this day years later "Strollin Willie" is reported to be alive and is still being used to torment me.

How would Whiskey know if I owned "Strollin Willie" or not that was between me and Randi Collier, unless Whiskey IS Randi Collier.

Whiskey herself PROVED I owned "Strollin Willie" at the time of his "alleged" death.

Why did Randi Collier dump a very injured and in "Extreme Pain" "Strollin WIllie off at a riding stable after saying she was going to keep him and "Silver Fin" then sell "Silver Fin" without a contract.

The above notes are simply more pieces to the missing or dead "Strollin Willie" puzzle...

The beginning can be found here...XOXO

The date of 4/8/19 for "Strollin Willie's" alleged fake vet bill has several inconsistencies.

I emailed Randi Collier and her me, several times over the course of those days and on 4/10/19 I told her she I no longer wanted to talk to her privately only publicly since it was obvious by that point she was an imposter who was telling different stories to different people, I later found out she gave Maggi Moss one of her other donors my name and address which was used to dox me after I donated.

Here are the emails, at no time is "Strollin Willie" ever mentioned, it is only used as a threat after I called her out about her lies on 4/10/21 in writing.

This one is dated 4/9/19 From Randi Collier, NO MENTION of "Strollin WIllie' allegedly DYING the day before.

The above email is supposedly the day AFTER "Strollin Willie" died, yet NO MENTION of it by either one of us, because she NEVER TOLD me until the week of 4/21/19. Then forgot about that when sending the allegedly fake vet bill. #HugeMistake

More correspondance on the 9th of April, the day AFTER "Strollin Willie" allegedly died.

Two days after Randi Collier claims "Strollin Willie" allegedly died, she STILL never mentions it.

On 4/10/19 AFTER the date on the vet bill 4/8/19 that "Strollin Willie" allegedly died yet weeks before Randi Collier publicly posting he died, I sent her this, telling her to tweet me publicly her questions, I no longer want to private message her, I no longer trust Maggi's alliances including her. Then a few weeks later on 4/21/19 she announces the death.

Randi Collier getting really itchy about my twitter account - still NO MENTION of "Strollin WIlie" who allegedly DIED to days before this email was sent.

Sounds more like "Strollin Willie's" death was an attempt to save Maggi Moss from getting roasted for lying about "Felonious Friend" being stolen then it was about his injuries that he had since the day she got him. When she could no longer use "Strollin Willie" to manipulate me she wasted ZERO TIME planning and executing his demise.

Two DAYS after "Strollin Willie" allegedly died, all these conversations later and STILL NO MENTION of his death.

Then WEEKS later - WEEKS after I called her out in email and only AFTER I Called her out on twitter died she tell me "Strollin Willie" was BEING euthanized - not that he had been killed weeks earlier, but that it was an act she was considering doing at that moment AFTER I publicly called her out on twitter 4/21/19.

4/21/19 WEEKS LATER.

"I Will leave you be." She leaves with no mention of the fact "Strollin Willie" "allegedly DIED" two days before. A horse I paid board for and prior to that sponsored.

Then announces later after getting called out on twitter he was BEING EUTHANIZED not that he died on 4/8/19 as the vet bill clearly states.

3 days after "Strollin Willie's" alleged death - still NO MENTION OF IT.

#DatesMatter This is 3 days AFTER the vet bill Randi Collier produced for the alleged death of "Strollin Willie" - STILL weeks before publicly posting he died or telling me he was euthanized.

Now that we have established that #DatesMatter let's ZERO IN ON THIS PARTICULAR DATE>>>XOXO The date I sent this to Kevin Whitehead in the Attorney general's office in Louisiana. Look at that date... 4/11/19 3 days AFTER "Strollin Willie" allegedly died yet weeks b4 posted?

STILL no mention of "Strollin Willie's" death...

For the record Randi Collier never followed through on this instead she told me she was "going to euthanize Strollin Willie"

Randi sure is trying to CONTROL what I post, on this date 4/11/19 3 days after Strollin Willie died STILL no mention of his death.

Dates Matter. ON 3/23//19 Randi Collier was notified I let Peta know about the horses she allegedly saved from a kill pen that I donated to save, including Won Again bred by Steve Asmussen Maggi Moss's attorney.

After I stopped donating...XOXO


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