She may be a horse owner, like Richard Bailey (Helen Brach's alleged Galloping Gigolo) - she can definitely ride- like the Galloping Gigolo, but does she have a Golden Tongue???
I guess for only $1600 ($400 less than it costs to claim an ex race horse from a killpen - you have a 40% chance of finding out!). Or you can spring the other $400 and actually save the horse and actually feel good about yourself tomorrow.
Let's see a side by side comparison.
What are the odds, she can ballroom dance like The Golden Tongue?
It's not every day you find a Gigolo who can talk horses, let alone one who owns them. These two are real diamonds in the rough - birds of a feather, some friendly competition from down under.
Evidently Helen Brach isn't the only race horse owner, who finds herself to be lonely from time to time, lonely enough to hire help. XOXO
If we have learned anything from the Golden Tongue, it is that wherever there are escorts in the horse racing industry - drama is sure to follow. XOXO
Photo: Instagram / carlyelectric
To be fair here -
I could not find any sexy pictures of Richard Bailey in his underwear.
If it costs $100,000 plus to retire a racehorse - Carly here - will only have to schtoop 62 1/2 of these "race fans" - to pay for the after care of just ONE of her horses.
She may want to consider raising prices. Perhaps if she could ballroom dance she could command a little more money for her services like Richard Bailey did...IDK. XOXO
Evidently - even if your horse doesn't come in first, there is still a chance for a "happy ending" after all - although you might needs some of those winnings to pay the tab.
Note: This not an endorsement for hiring sex workers or exploiting yourself and ending up in what could be dangerous situations.
Some recycled memes from the Helen Brach - Galloping Gigolo Story.
Oldies but goodies.