What a story I have to tell today...
The story of Helen (Vorhees) Brach - who married the heir to the Brach Candy company, whom she allegedly met at a country club while he was married to another woman and pulled a Jill Baffert. She allegedly was happily married to him for twenty years until the day he dies, except unlike Baffert's two wives, Helen never had any children or heirs to hand her money down after he died, and she either died or was abducted, or faked her own death - there is evidence to support all three of those theories, so your theory may change the more info that is revealed as mine has.

I'll just throw my theory out there from the beginning - so you can see where this is headed. XOXO

Now that you see where I am going, let's start from the beginning. I was alerted to a video of a haunted hotel in Minnesota, in Rochester, across the street from the Mayo Clinic. Evidently the hotel patrons see a full image of the Allegedly Late - Helen Brach - who allegedly died 2/17/77 but whose body was never found. The theory is that after 2004 hotel guests did not complain as much about these ghostly apparitions, which may or may not be true and may or may not help with getting investors and guests on board, I don't know I am not in public relations.

Here is an old photo of the Candy Lady at Arlington Park, before her death and alleged haunting of the Kahler Hotel,

Here is a picture of the beautiful Candy Lady, Helen Vorhees Brach. XOXO
Link https://drloihjournal.blogspot.com/2022/11/disappearance-of-candy-lady-helen-brach-unwrapped.html
Helen Brach's Horse Trainer had close ties to Frank Sinatra, he was training horses for someone in Frank Sinatra's band back in the 70's.
Frank Sinatra famously dated Ava Gardner - who also worked for the Brach family modeling their fine candies.

Ava Gardner was married to Frank Sinatra from 1951-1957. XOXO

Evidently Ava Gardner and Lana Turner shared more than the same taste in candy. Evidently they both shared the same taste in men, as Lana Turner ALSO dated Frank Sinatra & modeled for Brach's Candy. Aye Chihuahua. XOXO

Some say they found the ring that belonged to Helen, perhaps it belonged to Lana Turner look at her hand? XOXO

Does this look like the ring a millionaire would wear? The ring below they claim was Heln Brach's. In her social circles, I don't think she could pull this off. It is a Gilded Life she is living, extravagant, each out to outdo the next, nothing about this ring says refined elegance as all her other possessions seem too.

Look closely at Helen Brach's Pearl Necklace, are they anything less than spectacular? I imagine the ring she is wearing is also spectacular, Helen liked to shine, the above ring would never have made the cut in her world and if had any value a two bit hustler would have hawked it ages ago. XOXO

Here is a photo of the Brach's Factory in Chicago where all that delicious candy is made, including some of your favorite's like chocolate covered peanuts, candy corn, butterscotches, in fact at this time in history -February 1977 when Helen disappeared - her body NEVER to be found, that her husband had owned and sold for hundreds of millions of dollars, the buyers were brought to Hollywood movie fame in 2008 when the film The Dark Knight was filmed there.
See photo below. XOXO

This is where her fortune REALLY went to a Helen Brach Foundation controlled by Raymond Simon who makes over $300,000 EVERY YEAR in salary - a foundation that makes over $20 million per year, is worth over $123 MILLION DOLLARS - was meant to help animals yet only a small amount less than $300,000 per year actually does, meanwhile it's coffers get FATTER AND FATTER WITH VERY LITTLE PHILANTHROPY GOING OUT.

You can buy the box on EBAY now, the candy must have been good because it is all gone.

Helen is not Raymond F Simon's only alleged wealthy woman victim. There are others. Find the others. XOXO


As so many of us watch helplessly on Twitter, many jumping in to donate and save lives, for the never ending pipeline of horses, dogs and cats on death row in kill pens and kill shelters the money meant to save them the over $100 million JUST SITTING IN A TRUST AS THEY DIE BY THE THOUSANDS - instead of saving all of them which Raymond Simon single handedly sits on a trust of a foundation established for this very purpose, they ALL DIE DAILY, the ones who fall through the crack, whose coordinated coffee money never reaches, the ones who fall through the cracks, the over 10,000 thoroughbreds alone slaughtered from the U.S. EVERY SINGLE YEAR ALL DYING since her disapearance in 1977, that is OVER 430.000 thoroughbreds ALONE killed / slaughtered/ brutally disappeared, perhaps like Helen herself may have been, that could have ALL LIVED ALL THRIVED if Raymond Simon had released the funds to save them.

All that Brach's Candy money...and it goes to a law school? Maybe not EXACTLY an animal charity as the media implies the Brach candy company fortune went. XOXO

Mrs. Brach the Candy Lady was a wealthy Race Horse Owner.
She owned a horse named "PotenCIAdo"

Cherry Anyone?

Must have been one hell of a horse race when Helen Brach's "PotenCIAdo won FIRST PLACE because the race is entirely missing from Equibase, along with 3 other races, and only lists ONE RACE taken place at Arlington Park - peculiarly AFTER her death or alleged disappearance, the body never found, so for all I know she could be in the winner's circle at Arlington Park or Gulfstream Park where her horses were FREQUENTLY raced on a monthly basis both YEARS BEFORE HER DEATH AND YEARS AFTER HER DEATH, in fact she is listed as an OWNER in Equibase at the above mentioned tracks for up to 4 years AFTER HER DEATH all with the same trainer both before and after her death and there was never a hitch in the giddy up from the time she disappeared up until four years later.
However, we won't know which video to watch "PotenCIAdo" actually WIN the race, because the info was mysteriously disappeared from Equibase, who has that power? A man she allegedly dated, one who is referred to as the Golden Tongue Galloping Jigaloo - got an extra 20 years tagged onto his sentence for allegedly murdering Helen Brach, even though NO BODY was EVER FOUND in her disappearance and she was still racing her horses at Arlington Park and Gulfstream Park for four years after she supposedly died and her "apparition" or maybe even Helen herself was seen at the Kahler hotel across the street from the Mayo Clinic, she was elderly in 1977 so by 2004, it would make sense she would be seeking medical treatment as she advanced in age there. Theoretically if she or someone who looked like her, with a fake name, was seeking treatment there, Hipaa laws would not allow them to divulge that information anyway, so don't expect to hear about it from them.

Despite her death dated 2/17/77 for purpose of the Helen Brach Foundation to reap her Candy Fortune, she was still racing her horses including "Vorhees Diplomat" with her trainer Peter Divito - who also trained horses for Betty Grable, and a member of Frank Sinatra's band as well as the family that owned the famed horse "Seabiscuit."
"Vorhees Diplomat" lists one race AFTER her death on 6/4/1981 at Arlington Park.
Was the GHOST LADY apparition of Helen Brach appearing at Arlilngton Park, and hiring and paying the salary of her horse trainer Peter Divito up to FOUR YEARS AFTER HER DEATH or was she alive and cashing the winning purse checks?
It says the horse earned $87,779 how much of that did her trainer get?
Who signed the check?
How much did THE GHOST- Helen Brach get? How does A GHOST cash a check? WHERE does a GHOST cash a check? What does a GHOST need money for? Where do GHOSTS SHOP? What do they eat, I just have SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS HERE.

Like how did a GHOST buy a horse from Spendthrift Farms?

She had other horses too, they had peculiar names, was Helen Brach trying to give us clues to her death or something nefarious with the names of her horses? Take a closer look at them, she seems to be a very beautiful and very clever lady. XOXO
"Vorhees Luv" owned by Helen Brach was raced in Florida at Gulfstream Park in January of 1976 establishing her relationship with race horse trainer Peter Divito for at least a year prior to her death the following year in February of 1977. This was NOT her first rodeo and she was not as dumb and naieve about horses as the media leads you to believe.

Perhaps the name Vorhee's Luv (Vorhee's being Helen Brach's maiden name - before she married into the candy fortune) - was from the "Sam The Scared-Est Scarecrow book? A Brach's advertisement from the 1972 that came with a scarecrow doll and a children's book - which you can find right now on Ebay. XOXO

Something creepy about that Brach's doll.

"Vorhees Diplomat" was trained by Peter Divito both BEFORE and AFTER her death - never skipping a beat of uncertainty as to where the checks were coming from and/or going to - to sustain her racing operations, how can it be? She had no children/no heirs her money all went to the Helen Brach Foundation trust ran by Raymond Simon.

#FunFact Rolls Royce coined the term "Brach Candy Color Purple" which was the Candy Lady's signature color. When she rolls up, people take notice. XOXO

Her Brach Candy Purple Rolls Royce was put on the market in pristine condition at the auction block at Mecum's Chicago 2022 event on October 13 - 15.
They estimate it to be worth $60,000 to upwards of $100,000.
Someone got a sweet ride last month. XOXO

A photo of the Brach Candy Fortune Heir and his beautiful bride Helen (Vorhees) Brach. XOXO
#TheCandyCouple XOXO

A little about her trainer Peter Divitio.

Not sure if this was bred by the Brach family or not but it's lineage's connections Swoon's Son has been mysteriously removed for some unknown reason from equibase.

"Swoon's Su" connections disapeared from Equibase. No progeny listed, yet above "Brach's Dancer" is supposedly bred from this horse, how can it be?

"Swoon's SU' was bred from "Swoon's Son" did these horses even exist?

Swoons' son won some cheddar so I dug a little deeper to find out WHOSE INFO got deleted. I found it. Owner of Arlington Classic winning "Swoon's Son" E.G. Drake the FOUNDER of the Thoroughbred Club of America. Trained by Lex Wilson with Jockey David Erb. Seems like WINNING the Arlington Classic would be something one would want to showcase not hide, especially on the Equibase listing? #SomethingsOff XOXO

Who is E.G. Drake and why would he not want his name on here?

There were a LOT of nefarious goings on in the horse world at the horse race tracks Arlington Park and Gulfstream Park that Helen's horses were raced at over the course of five years.

Yet if you want to look at the 3 million allegedly taken off her in the horse world with the Helen Brach Foundation now worth OVER a HUNDRED MILLION controlled by Raymond Simon, you should look closely this is not chump change.
Why would an animal lover as Helen Brach allegedly was - hire a trainer such as Peter - who had been charged w drugging horses w/ morphine in 1974 three years BEFORE her death, BEFORE she hired him to race her own horses? #SeemsOff

Link https://drloihjournal.blogspot.com/2022/11/disappearance-of-candy-lady-helen-brach-unwrapped.html

Helen Brach's trust is worth SO MUCH MONEY that it could single handedly save EVERY CAT DOG AND HORSE we SEE DAILY in our Twitter news feed, so why is it's handler Raymond Simon just sitting on a hundred million dollars meant for them?

Why did Frank Pallone JR NJ Democrat throw out the Safe Act For Equines in the fall of 2022 that had enough support in BOTH the House and the Senate - that was SET TO PASS and become a law making it illegal to ship ANY American horse to slaughter - thoroughbred, quarter horse, wild mustang etc - to slaughter shutting down the slaughter PIPELINE once and for all how does one man Frank Pallone Jr NJ Democrat - have the POWER to GO AGAINST THE WILL OF 85% of the American PEOPLE? How come these TWO MEN SINGLE HANDEDLY CAN BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERY.DOG.CAT.ANDHORSE DEATH you see on TWITTER DAILY - when the funds are THERE NOW and the LAW WAS THERE UNTIL FRANK PALLONE JR THREW IT OUT.

THIS the House committe on Energy & Commerce led by Chairman Frank Pallone of New Jersey is who fucked over the horses and why they are STILL shipping to horses when they had enough support in the HOUSE & THE SENATE & 85% of the American PEOPLE to save them. THIS is who threw out the bill TOTALLY FUCKING THE HORSES - #AnimalCrueltyAtItsFinest

THIS. Insert Down Arrow. XOXO

Helen Brach's husband Mr. Brach- died prior to her disappearance after being married 20 years.
Helen died 2/17/2977
Who has been living in the home and upkeeping it for the last 40 years?
Is the carpet 40 years old?
Are the appliances 40 years old?
Is it a time capsule?
Is this person paying rent?
Who keeps the money from the sale of the mansion???

One Look inside the photos - tells you - somebody remodeled her home.
She disapeared remember?
What if she comes back and doesn't like the ENTIRE HOUSE REMODEL?
Who would she sue for this? What if she only likes the 1977 decor she left it?

I can assure you that in 1977 there were not flat screen t.v.'s in people's homes.
Hopefully she likes the updates if she ever returns or is found alive, and her home is sold?

Here is a video of the Candy Lady's Brach's Candy Color Rolls Royce that was sold last October 2022.
She had a personalized license plate
Helen Vorhees Brach Rolls Royce

11/22/22 Editor's Update:
I found another horse that may explain the disappearance of Helen Brach or lack of a disappearance of Helen Brach. It was raced about a week before she died on 11/17/22 at Arlington Park winning 1st place - the horse's name was "Brach's Hilarious" it was raced up until 1979 listing Helen Brach as the Owner. XOXO
Editor's Note: These are not ALL of the "Brach's Hilarious" races I just notated the ones I found most notable the ones surrounding her death and the last race in 1979.
If you want to see all the races you can find them here:

Correction to above post -
The date she died a week before she died her horse won 2nd on 2/10/77, she allegedly died or disappeared on 2/17/77 and her horse won a race at Gulfstream Park racing under her name as the Owner only two days later and won 1st place 2/19/77 at Gulfstream Park in Florida, is it possible she wasn't in Minnesota OR Illinois, instead was in Florida???

In 2003 the Brach Candy Factory in Chicago closed it's doors forever.
It is now lying in ruins, paint crumbling...
Perhaps the $114 million that the Helen Foundation is sitting on could have saved the family enterprise, I guess that is difficult to do, when you suck all of the money out of it. XOXO

Link to video ^^^

Helen Brach The Candy Lady at Gulfstream Park - here horses were winning - why did the media try to portray the Galloping Gigalo, as someone who sold her losing horses? 🤔 If they were losers, why race ANY of them after her death - let alone over 4 years later?🤔🏇🏇🏇
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x706bnf Listen in at 37 minute mark in video. They were winning.
NOBODY in horse racing is going to turn in a Galloping Gigalo for selling them WINNING horses. So why is that lie fed into her disappearance by the media? Who paid the media to lie? How much does a tall tale like that to throw you off the case go for? Who has that kind of pull and power? Why did Robert Maxwell hire all the horse racing journalists in the 80's shortly after Helen Brach allegedly disapeared?
She had a home in Palm Beach, did she live near Jeffrey Epstein, & Mar A Lago like the Queen of Horse Racing Marylou Whitney did???? HOW CLOSE??? As close to Epstein as the late Vanderbilt heir Marylou did? Right around the block?
The blonde is Helen Vorhees Brach.

Back to the Paper Trail

Everett Moore Helen's personal accountant was placed in charge of the money.

Zooming in for a closer look at "Brach's Hilarious"
was she there that day? A full year after she allegedly disapeared?
#FunFact Helen Brach's Racing Silks Match Her Brach Candy Colored Rolls Royce. XOXO

A closer look

Worth nothing on Equibase the chart checks out with the date on the photo at Hialeah of "Brach's Hilarious" - 2/25/78 raced at Hialeah Park on 2/25/78 in the Widener Handicap Grade 1 coming in 6th place. XOXO

Also racing at Gulfstream Park at the time of Helen Brach's "disapearance" was a horse named "Brach's Honey" among others ALSO with the same trainer Peter Divito. Equibase lists a different owner although it is highly probable that he bought the horse from Helen Brach or her estate. It is also very likely she owned the horse at the time of her "disappearance". XOXO

Who owned "Winning Hit"
Why is it missing in Equibase, no Owner No Trainer?
Is this part of the case, did Helen own Brach's Honey at the time of her disapearance?
Did she buy this horse from Ogden Phipps?
If so, if she was allegedly being ripped off on horses wouldn't that make the Jockey Club (Founder of HISA/Five Stones investigations hirer - need to be in the pool of horse selling suspects taking advantage of her????
Is that why the info is missing? To keep his name clean?

Evidently Ogden Phipps has passed away.

How many horses were out there sporting the Brach Candy Colored Signature Purple Silks?
I keep finding more. This was no small time operation, she had multiple horses racing every month for years, month after month all at the same circuit of race tracks, Hialeah Park, Gulfstream Park, Arlington Park, & Calder- she made the rounds from Florida to Illinois.

"Misty Flight" won the Remsen Stakes at Aqueduct in Queen's NY in 1957. Seems like something to be proud of, so why are the connections of "Misty Flight" Owner Wheatley Stable and Trainer James E Fitzsimmons & Jockey Eddie Arcaro not listed in Equibase, someone is either covering something up (perhaps it's the sale of a horse to Helen Brach - which info is also missing in Equibase, along with Helen Brach's name when you type in Owner search, someone is covering their trail...

#FunFact This Old Fashioned Brach Candy 🍬Holder is in the same shape as the Legendary Twin Spires at Churchill Downs (who blocked me) - it seems the horse racing & the Brach candy empire are more entwined than the media is leading us to believe. XOXO

I am guessing A.M. stands for Amstel Mayer Rothschild.
He had his own candies when he bought them from his competitor, is 300 pounds a lot of candy to buy from your competitor? Looks like Marshall Field & Company were the department store he brokered the candy through. Later purchased by the Goldblatt's and then the city of Chicago for $10 Million so he did alright.
Like the Rothschild's themselves his candy's were "Uncommonly Rich" - in fact that was even how they marketed them. XOXO

Here is the commercial. XOXO
Brach's candy ad from 1986

For what it is worth at least if Helen Brach is a ghost - the Brach's Ghosts appear to be friendly...so there's that. XOXO

These are the jobs that were lost.

They say businesses are having trouble finding workers these days.
Perhaps they need to get back to the basics.
Look how well the Brach's workers were treated. XOXO

At the time of the REAL explosion at the plant - before the Dark Knight filmed explosion, there were 2,500 people working there. A lot of souls were lost in the blast.

Today the building lies in ruins a shadow of it's former self.
It cleaned up nicely once, though and there is STILL after all this time $120 MILLION DOLLARS LEFT in the Helen Brach Trust Fund now controlled by Raymond Simone, another man accused of stealing wealthy women's trusts. Not sure if he is a galloping gigolo type or the Accountant type who makes off with all of their clients money, like the one in Rocky 5, Uptown Girls or the one on Schitt's Creek, it happens a whole lot.
Brach's candy company in it's heyday. XOXO

At it's Peak Operation - the Brach's candy factory employed 3,500 workers.
That is a lot of jobs to lose.

The media writing this story is hilarious...
they couldn't be more wrong. XOXO
There is a blatant intent to mislead the public. Anyone who read this blog this far can see it. XOXO

THIS is in my experience, why I thing the portrayal of the Chicago Mob as Howdy Doody is hilarious. They could NOT be ANY MORE different. Two completely different ends of the spectrum. XOXO
And the fellas would not be running around w/ a ring worth about $10 at a pawn store, trying to masquerade it as a million dollar ring - once owned by Helen Brach because they would get laughed out of there.
So who is paying the media to publish these stories, so far off the base of reality from what REALLY happened and where the $120 Million dollar Helen Brach Candy Company fortunre ended up? Why aret hey allowed to get away with such intentional dis-info? If I accidently report the smallest of errors, maybe mistaking a male horse for a female for example the fact checkers pop up like "whack a moles" - to correct me, and I set the record straight. That is what separates me as a writer from the paid media, I don't have to answer to anyone and when I realize I made a mistake I research it and own it and edit the post - or include a correction tagged to it, if I can't edit it, for example on Twitter which doesn't let you edit. I don't have to cowtow to advertisers and I don't take donations or get paid anything, I don't have to post advertisements for the Stronach group either or try to cover up their dead horses. And my work gets deleted as time passes, something I can not prevent from happening, and yet I write anyway...who the hell knows why? Not me...

Here is where the #PlotThickens,
Do you remember earlier in this blog I spoke of A.M. Rothschild - (Abram M. Rotshchild) who was one of the first major buyers of Emil Brach's candy - buying 300 pounds from him when he first started out? Well allegedly he was "suicided" in 1902 he was found by his Father, after being shot in the head, his father and a staff member were allegedly home at the time. Where the plot takes a strange twist is - he was allegedly visiting Minnesota, vacationing at Lake Minnetonka for a week or so, and allegedly "suicided" himself when he returned home.

Like so many now historic stories these too are behind a paywall. XOXO

Not to confuse Abram's suicide with that of Amschel Rothschild, but evidently suicide or being "suicided" is an alleged Rothschild family trait. XOXO

The horse "Bugle Call" was foaled in Florida in 1978, almost a full year AFTER The death of Helen Brach. It was being raced the entire time by her ESTATE. Who made this decision? THis is shocking, her estate was anything BUT settled at this time. They had to giver her a death date of 1985 after this horses last race, what happened to this horse? It was part of her estate??? Follow the money...XOXO

#FunFact About 6 months before the #CandyLady Helen Brach died - Bruce Jenner - won the Decathlon. What was in those Wheaties? XOXO

Okay back to the story...
I have more questions.

Start at the 14:20 mark (for above message) #CostComparison XOXO

#Lulz XOXO :)

#Lulz :)

#Lulz :)

Frank Sinatra must have one hell of a sweet tooth, having dated the Trifecta of Brach's models including Ava Gartner, Lana Turner and Rita Haworth...one might even coin him the "Cantering Cassanova" w/ the hotse for #CandyLadies

Spotted..."Cantering Cassanova" Frank Sinatra himself w/ Brach's Candy Model Lana Turner.
#Delicious XOXO

I am begining to understand why I coined Frank Sinatra the "Cantering Cassanova" not only is it catchy - IT"S TRUE!!!
Yet another one of Frank Sinatra's Hollywood leading ladies - takes her turn posing w/ a box of Brachs -this time it's Jane Russell. XOXO

Frank Sinatra out on the town W/ Jane Russell...the flavor of the month. XOXO
Also in the photo - Groucho Marx, William Edmunds, and Russell Thorson. It is actually a scene in a movie called Double Dynamite which was filmed in 1951.

Is this Helen Brach?

Is This Helen Brach?

This is a published photo of Helen Brach for comparison.

In this photo you can see the ring Helen is wearing. It's doubtful that she would swap out her wedding ring for a MUCH cheaper and less valuable ruby ring, one of the theories of her death revolves around (pictured above in this blog). The following pictures are all screen shots of a lady with a very striking resemblance to the very beautiful and lovely Helen Brach. Is this her???

Actual real photo of Helen Brach below

Another Actual real photo of Helen Brach below

Screenshot from "My Kind of Town" Chicago Is - Frank Sinatra Video.

Screenshot of lady from Frank Sinatra "My Kind of Town - Chicago Is.."

The #CanteringCroonerEffect - Ole Blue Eyes- Frank Sinatra has on women can be seen all over the woman in the Signature Brach Candy Color Pink/Purple dress with expertly coordinated red accessories...is this Helen Brach? XOXO

The Frank Sinatra video above was filmed for the movie "Robin and the Seven Hoods" - which featured the "My Kind Of Town - Chicago Is' with the beautiful brunette wearing Helen's Signature Color - Brach's Candy Color Pink/Purple. The video/movie were filmed in 1964, Helen's dog- "Candy" would have been 11 years old at the time, and died four years later, now buried in Unionport, Jefferson County, Ohio at the age of 14-15 years old. She also had another dog named "Sugar" also buried in the same cemetery with her husband Frank.
The Candy company was a huge part of Helen's life, not only the source of her wealth but the inspiration for her choice in her car color, as well as the names of her dogs and her horses. The candy company was her whole world, and since Frank Sinatra was dating every beautiful model I have seen so far - that modeled for the Brach Candy company during those years, there is no doubt he had to have known Helen's Husband at the time - who owned the Candy Factory, and would have hired the models- Frank Brach. I don't think it would be a stretch for a man such as Frank Brach - who may have hired every single one of his friend Frank's gf's to model for him, to ask for a small part in his movie, for his wife, perhaps a dance scene, and she's amazing, she's beautiful and a very wonderful dancer, so I can't imagine he would say no to that small request, can you?

Based on the grave marker 1970 must have been a very hard year for Helen Brach she lost her husband Frank of 20 years, whom she was reported to be happily married to, and she also lost her dog "Sugar Brach" she had for 16-17 years. Helen allegedly "disappeared" only 7 years later - probably not enough time to have even fully moved past all that loss.
Here is the grave marker for Frank Brach w/ the Candy company on his grave marker. The expression, "he must be rolling over in his grave right now" on what became of his wife, his candy company, and his fortune. A person looking at the bombed out remains of the once great Chicago Candy company - would be horrified to see someone would want that nightmare of a building engraved on their tombstone. Yikes. This is one tombstone that unfortunately is not aging well.

Another reason, I believe that MAY have been Helen in the video, is she was KNOWN to be a great dancer, how did everyone know she was a great dancer? She was dancing all the way up to the time of her death - she was alleged to be seen on New Year's Even in 1977 dancing the night away with the "Galloping Gigolo" in New York at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Spotted...shaking a tail feather as only she could do. XOXO
I cited the source below, to prove she was still dancing - however this source lists an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT DATE AND PLACE OF DEATH for Helen Brach!!! Instead of 2/17/77 listed as her date of her disapearance and the Rochester, Mayo Clinic/Kahler Hotel/last seen story - this one lists FLORIDA!!! AS I HAD ORIGINALLY SUSPECTED!!!! Lists a date of 2/19/77 - where her horses were scheduled to race as cited above at Hialeah Park Horse Race track, the same place the lady that appeared to look exactly like Helen Brach was in the front row, and Equibase listed her horse as racing.

January 17, 1955 Jackie Kennedy visited Hialeah Race Track.
This puts the $35,000 grand or so Helen Brach would have lost based on my Math, which I am pretty sure there were other horses out there, that are covered up that would have brought her #s out of the red - however, based on what I can cite only the loss, of under $40,000 for YEARS of being seen and associating w/ people such as the Kennedy's coming to watch your horses race, would be a very small price to pay compared to the fees country clubs in South Florida charge to rub elbows with the Kennedy's at the time.
So can we really say - at this point - the galloping gigolo scammed her?
He gained her access to the creme de la creme of the racetrack society, but he wasn't even her trainer, Peter Divito was - he had Bob Baffert's job, and we all know if anything goes right or wrong with a horse - those who HATE Baffert blame Baffert and those who LOVE Baffert GLOAT LIKE THERE"S NOT TOMORROW - but win or lose it's never about the owner or the horse in question - it's all eyes on the TRAINER, so it's NOT the Galloping Gigolo who is in charge of her horse operation it is Peter Divito - who also trains horse for a member of Frank Sinatra's band at the time.

I may digress from time to time, as new information trickles in, now back to the "My Kind of Town - Chicago Is' Video, here is a description fo the movie the song was made for.

A very different scenario from what happened to the Brach Fortune. It was taken over by a trust fund now ran by Ramond Simon, worth $120 Million and growing at a rate of $10 Million per year, not feeding the poor of Chicago. Do me a favor, go inside the Greyhound station - inside Chicago, where i have eye witness reports of the poorest of the poor, very terrorized and scared people living in very much FEAR for their lives in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's district.
A $4,000 check to any given one of the families in that bus station, could get them a down payment and a first month's rent on an apartment, they could get a job - and get back on their feet. There are families with kids living there. It's heartbreaking - beyond belief. $40,000 would be enough to get TEN FAMILIES OUT OF THERE BY CHRISTMAS!!! If the Helen Brach trust is MAKING about $1.8 million a month in the city of Chicago, imagine what $1.8 million could do for the destitute out of hope, at the end of their rope, scared and terrorized families in there could do w/ all that money??? Just ONE MONTH of profit's from the Helen Brach foundation could find them all homes, and clean out the bus station in Chicago, probably the worst in the country OVER NIGHT. In 50 months that money could clear them ALL OUT - THE WORST ONES in ALL 50 states!!! Instead - it just sits in the bank, growing bigger and bigger helping NOBODY on the daily.

The money being hoarded by the Helen Brach Trust Fund was meant to help these kids and people, but it didn't. It just didn't. XOXO

Homeless shelter photo from above mentioned story in Brooklyn, NY. It is unlikely Helen Brach visited this place when she stayed at the Waldorf Astoria on NYE in 1977 - but she know doubt thought about them in her will and intended to help them. XOXO

Editor's Note: 11/27/22
As Elon Musk is preaching about bringing Free Speech back to Twitter - Twitter, would not upload this post below. I had to switch to a VPN, like I have to do to read this blog you are reading to post it. I pay close to $100 a month for internet service only - and can't even read my own work or post to Twitter w/out censorship. Strange times we are living in. XOXO
"Some of your media failed to upload"

Back to the video - My Kind of Town Chicago Is, another look at the girl i nthe video.
Is this Helen Brach - featured prominently on the hood of Frank Sinatra's car???
Who's that girl? XOXO
A real photo of Helen Brach.

Is Helen Brach a movie Vixen that had a role in a

You can watch the movie trailer on IMDB.com
Here is the link.

Another staple in American Candy History si the Tootsie Role which is made in New Jersey. The tootsie rolls were delivered by a horse drawn carriage back in 1905, probably attracted a whole lot of galloping gigolos that job did. :)

Frank Sinatra - did an ad for Tootsie Rolls, which are made in New Jersey. The legend has it, he loved them so much, he was even buried w/ them.

Two years before Brach Candy Owner Frank Brach dies in 1970 - Tootsie Roll leaves New Jersey to move to Chicago. Candy Wars?

1970 the year Tootsie Pop's Mr. Owl is born in Chicago - Frank Brach and his dog pass away. The end of one era, the birth of another. XOXO

The plot thickens again.
Someone changed Frank Sinatra's grave, just as I noticed something may have been off w/ Frank Brach's grave, someone else has noticed that Frank Sinatra's grave stone has also been swapped out for one with a different message. Look. Who did this and why????

Frank Sinatra died in 1998.

Eleven years ago, someone walked through the now long gone Brach's Candy Factory in Chicago. What a creepy place. XOXO
As late as 1990 Brach's aired it's wholesome candy ads, long after the deaths of Frank and Helen Brach, they sold the company and had no heirs.
This is a nice family friendly ad with a little girl and a kitten.
Why do I need a permit to IMPROVE most anything in my house, but if a Hollywood movie company wants to blow up a building in Chicago, they can just leave it a dangerous hazard to the community (as seen in video above of current conditions - after this explosion). Why didn't the permit, if they got one, include a line stating they had to finish the job and level the building not leave it as a permeant eye sore and threat to the community.
All of the reports I have read so far, have cited that Frank Brach had no children.
Strange as it may be, after Frank Brach died he was reported in the Ny Times to have a surviving widow Helen and a child - Mrs. Joyce Delago. Was she in Helen's will? Where is she now? Once again the plot thickens.

If Frank Brach didn't have an heir/daughter named Joyce then whose obituary is this listing him as the Dad - HALF SISTER to Candy & Sugar Brach???
Who lists the dogs as half sisters???
Also- as I said earlier the graves look tampered with - maybe Candy & Sugar were Frank & Helen's kids, what I found odd, was Helen was supposedly an "animal lover" yet - ther eare no photos of her with any animals, strange to say the least. It's also peculiar if Frank and Helen had two small dogs together for over 15 years - yet most of his Brach's candy ads have dogs or cats in them, or horse for that matter, that I have seen - thus far - not saying they don't exist, I just have not seen any yet in all my searches. I think I remember seeing a black cat for Halloween now that I think about it, but no cute little dogs in the ads or anything of that sort. The ad above with the kitten was in the 80's after they both allegedly died. Just seems odd that a family business that has such heartfelt ads would ahve all those little kids in the commercial if they were pet parents only. So who put the dogs heads on the kids graves if they were in fact kids of there, one dying the same year Frank did. So why would someone want to change the history?

It appears Frank Brach may have had a son Frank V Brach Jr and a daughter. It says about 1969 - for his death - what does that mean? Did Frank V Brach Jr, the dog or kid Candy AND Frank Sr. all die within a year? What are the odds of that?

This claims Frank's previous wife had two kids with him, Frank Brach Jr born in 1916 and Joyce Brach born in 1935 aged 15 and 6 when their parents getting divorced with Fran's former wife Eunice Essig Brach citing the reason for divorce is cruelty.

Was Frank Brach a cruel man? Were Candy and Sugar real kids too? What was written in Helen Brach's diary?
The bottom part of the obituary for Frank's daughter Joyce is cut off but it implies she needed financial help at hte end of her days. Why wasn't she provided for in her Dad's will?

13 Nov 1958, Thu • Page 40
More historical proof of Frank's heirs.

The residence listed in the above news clipping 2933 Sheridan Rd Chicago.

Frank Jr's lighting studio was at 1323 S Michigan Ave in Chicago, Illinois.
Brach Allen Studio and light designer and manufacturer.
That address of the former light studio is now an apartment building valued at $9.3 million dollars. https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/1323-S-Michigan-Ave-Chicago-IL/26417133/

Evidently Frank Brach's son's Frank's studio was producing more than just lamps. XOXO

An Antique lamp that says it was from the 30's but Frank Jr was only born in 1915, in the 30
s he would have been 15-25, so maybe it's possibly that old? Idk... Why wasn't his son, Frank Jr. listed in his Dad's NY Times obituary above, only Frank Senior's daughter was? Who wrote the obituary? One would assume it was Helen Brach - why would she not include Frank Jr. in his Dad's obituary? Was there bad blood? If there was NOT bad blood before the obituary appeared in the NY Times leaving Frank Jr's name out - I can only imagine there was afterward, including a dispute over his Dad's will?

In 2003 Frank Brach's daughter died - appears to have died penniless needing help from friends after a 25 year battle with Parkinson's disease. It says her brother preceded her in death.

Frank V Brach Jr is buried in Saratoga Springs, NY (major horse racing city).
Died in August of 1969 - just about five months before his Dad Died on 1/29/1970.
There are no coincidences. Was Frank grieving the loss of his son when he died? Was he at his son's funeral? Was Helen Brach at Frank's son's funeral?
It looks also like Frank Jr has a son Brian Farrar Brach. Yet another heir, that was entirely disregarded it appears?

Three generations of Brach men all died within a relatively short time frame of each other - was there a Brach Candy Curse? I find it interesting that Frank's son was not buried w/ him but his two DOGS were - and his son was buried in Saratoga Springs - an old money horse racing haunt, I have blogged about previously with some very creepy ties to Jeffrey Epstein.
That is a whole nother rabbit hole, here is the link.
The fact Frank Jr was in Saratoga Springs makes me think he may have been working with the horses. What else would he be doing there? Previously he was listed as living in Chicago and Ariona, a long way away from Saratoga Springs, NY.

Frank Brach had a grandson - yet another heir Brian Farrar Brach who lived from 1953 - 2010 and he is buried in New Mexico.

Frank Brach's 1st wife & the mother of his son and daughter got $1 million in the divorce settlement. Look at the house she lives in. Does not look likek she was suffering without him. XOXO
The home is now worth over $15 million dollars and is not for sale.

The pool has an unbelievable view of Lake Michigan.

A room with a view...XOXO

An office with a view. What a stunning office. XOXO

Proof the home pictured above belonged to Frank Brach's ex wife Eunice Essig Brach.

Hopefully Eunices new husband wasn't cruel. He was an attorney it appears. XOXO
It says he was a former resident of Chicago, dying in Montecito, CA after his wife died. Strangley no mention of his step kids, they seem to be left ouf of obituaries a whole lot.

A photo of Eunice's husband she marreid after divorcing Frank Brach- Jay Stough. XOXO
