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Spotted..."Native Ruler" Once Owned By Maggi Moss - Winner of over $700,000 looking Dirty & Haggard

at a horse rescue! How many of horses once owned by Maggi Moss are at horse rescues?

Remember when Ole Rick Porter said he didn't want NTWO to be used as a dumping grounds for people who repeatedly dump their horses?

What if Maggi Moss actually bought a farm for the over thirty or more horses she races at once to retire them to instead of dumping them off on horse rescues? Couldn't "Native Ruler's" winnings alone provided the land, barn and hay for all the others? Why doesn't she buy a farm and retire them on HER DIME? Why is she ALWAYS dumping them off on the public to pay for at horse rescues or they are found in kill pens like "Felonious Friend" was?

If they dump the STARS of horse racing off on horse rescues - just imagine what happens to the losers?

Tell HISA and Maggi Moss if she wants to advocate for horses, she should start with herself first, it looks like "Native Ruler" needs a bath, advocate for him, advocate for a bath and stop dumping horses in kill pens. XOXO

Here is the video from above.

And HISA should be ashamed of themselves for hiring someone who has made over $53 MILLION DOLLARS in horse racing winnings, who DUMPS HORSES off on the public to pay for, and who should be in jail for harassing people. #FuckHISA and #FuckMaggiMoss too. XOXO

Why is Maggi Moss - now working for HISA - against rescue efforts? Yet dumps her own horses on so many rescues???

Not all of the horses owned by Maggi Moss end up in rescues. Some die after being raced in cheap claiming races like "Free World." XOXO

Either HISA did not do it's research when it hired Maggi Moss or HISA is not about the safety, welfare and integrity of horses as it's name implies. Which is it? Either way makes HISA look inept, incompetent and unable to solve the problem at hand with horse racing...XOXO

Note: After the controversy the Jockey for "Free World" Miguel Mena was killed in a HIGHLY SUSPECT car accident after leaving Churchill Downs - by Rex Ecarma who worked for the University of Louisville (Kentucky) who was not charged with killing Miguel Mena.

For the record Maggi Moss's misconduct has been reported to multiple agencies including the U.S. Bar Association who has entirely ignored my complaint. XOXO

For the record, the Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry - is allegedly suing HISA but the whole thing is "funny" he has never taken action on my complaints against Maggi Moss who is now working for HISA. The AG is allegedly suing HISA now- is it more Khabuki theater?

Controlled opposition?

Nor has the AG taken any action against Equine Crusaders - Union Parrish Sheriff's office official Twitter spokesperson who sexually harassed me.

For more examples of Maggi Moss dumping her horses on horse rescues check out my blog, use the search feature as Google likes to scrub these stories for her. :/ XOXO

I'd finish the story but blogging on horse racing is a waste of my time.

My opinion is HISA should be arresting Maggi Moss, not hiring her.

The struggle to find homes for Maggi Moss's horses is REAL so why is she BUYING MORE?

Maggi Moss in her own words on how she DUMPS her horses on rescues.

This letter is to Dina Albarano dated April 14, 2018. XOXO

And anyone who thinks Maggi Moss is there to "advocate" for horses and not to "cover things up" is a complete and total IDIOT - naive AF or lying themselves.

You only need to read the story of how a horse was found with a gash in it's forehead in a kill pen, and for some unknown reason - Maggi's friend found it and called her and she LIED about the horses name, why lie? Was it a horse once owned by her? Who else would she LIE to the public to PROTECT?

Look up "SayDatWho" in Equibase, spell it anyway you like, NO SUCH HORSE EXISTED. SHE LIED.

The ex race horse was in such bad condition Twitter made me delete the picture.

Here is the photo.

THIS is why I am no longer using Twitter.

I post this here. It stays here. XOXO

NTWO's -"Ride or Die" - "Maggi Moss" ALSO employed the jockey who was recently caught using a buzzer in Louisiana Gerard Melancon, ALSO suing HISA. Small world. The papers have not mentioned who his attorney is, one guess?

Recent tweets from Maggi's Jockey - endorse whipping a 5 year old kid.

Awkward - Gerard Melancon once thanked Trump for saving his life from "Corona" before telling those supporting him to "seek help before you commit suicide" in a tweet four days ago. :/

Maggi Moss thanking Team Gee Money and Gerard Melancon specifically for a donation that REALLY put a huge smile on her face.

I asked NTWO if they would be returning the donation after the allegations of animal abuse and was entirely ignored by Ntwo's Victoria Keith.

Evidently after catching the RONA - Gerard Melancon has not been allowed to shower at Evangeline Downs, maybe he was able to shower in jail after he was arrested after tweeting this?

Isn't it "Funny" how C.P. Pollock and the other crack pot horse journalists NEVER reported on the jockeys not being able to shower during the Rona outbreak at Evangeline Downs?

Doesn't fit their narrative does it? XOXO

What does it say about HISA that they hired Maggi Moss?

Is Five Stones private investigators entirely incompetent or is HISA entirely corrupt to it's core? You tell me...XOXO

For the researchers, you will find info on my blog about "Miss Mercken" a horse Maggi Moss entirely ignored that broke down at a racetrack in Indiana.

WHY would HISA hire an Owner who entirely IGNORED the VERY PUBLIC breakdown of their OWN HORSE???

Perhaps Maggi Moss can advise HISA on how Acepromazine ended up in her own horse Veillit? HISA ALSO hired Trainer Casse who allegedly hired the employee who allegedly drugged Maggi Moss's horse, perhaps they can get to the bottom of this once and for all.

Table of Drug Violations - oh look there is Maggi Moss's trainer Tom Amoss on the repeat offender's list. All talk no action.

Who thinks HISA responds to these allegations Tom Amoss is a juicer w/ 3 supporting likes? (None of which are this author - add my name 4) XOXO

You can read my post sent to the Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry here regarding the sexual harassment, doxxing and harassing phone calls received from their Twitter Spokesperson Dick Welty and Equine Crusaders that 3 years later has been ENTIRELY IGNORED.

Lawsuit to follow soon if nothing is done. Clock is ticking. XOXO


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