Who PERSONALLY provided an alibi for Donald Trump - after a model accused Trump of a sexual attack at the U.S. Open. Marylou Whitney and her husband - said they were with Trump and the model the day of the incident.
Did Trump owe Marylou Whitney a "proverbial Favor" for her and her husband's alibi.
They owned a thoroughbred breeding business.
Why does HISA ONLY apply to thoroughbreds.
Why does HISA provide funding for Five Stones investigations who were hired by the Jockey Club ran by Marylou Whitney's friend Ogden Phipps?
Close ties between Donald Trump & the Queen of Saratoga and Lexington...
Then Trump snuck HISA into the COVID BIll. One hand washes the other...and so it is...XOXO
Worth noting: Hisa does NOT apply to Arabian, Quarter Horse, OR Standardbred races - ONLY to thoroughbreds which were bred by his alibi providers.

This story is actually a continuation on the story of the PETA Video and Hub Johnson's alleged "suicide" days after working for Steve Asmussen and calling out the Jockey Club's Ogden Phipps saying "those who live in glass houses should not throw stones." - as reported by the Courier Journal in his Open letter to the industry which I have requested a copy of from The NY TIMES, Paulick Report, Bloodhorse, Courier Journal, Peta, etc. and am still waiting to hear back from any of them as of the reporting of this story.

Here is a link to the background of the story here...(Read this first) then come back and finish it here...XOXO

Jockey Club's Ogden Phipps with Marylou Whitney with husband John Hendrickson who provided an alibi for Trump's alleged sexual assualt, in favor of Trump over the model he was with. Donald Trump then signed Phipps HISA/Five Stones/ into law - snuck it into the COVID BIll applying to THOROUGHBREDS ONLY-which his friends just so happen to breed - making them judge jury and executioneer with the ability to snoop their competitors phones, barns, emails and phones. Completely unconstitutional bullshit allegedly for the benefit of the "horses" while not applying to kill pens, slaughter of thoroughbreds, Arabian racing, Quarter Horse Racing and Standardbred Racing whose members despise HISA.

#BedFellows Thoroughbred Breeder and "Queen of Saratoga and Lexington" Marylou Whitney and her alleged sexual predator friend Donald Trump. King of HISA.

Donald Trump, Marla Maples Trump, and the "Queen of Saratoga and lexington" horse breeder Marylou Whitney. XOXO

Do you seriously think Trump snuck HISA into the COVID BILL because he cares about horse safety? Does this sound like a guy who sits at home at night fretting over the fate of thoroughbreds?
(#FunFact The day before this Kentucky Derby race "the best horse" or the Favored horse - was "Omaha Beach" who "scratched" at the last minute after it's breeding rights were bought for $23 million for a LAME HORSE that NEVER won a kentucky derby after it was bought from NTWO - Fox HIll Farms - Victoria Keith/Rick Porter.
AFTER they created the drama on social media that created the necessity for HISA.

#Vanderbilt wife - Marylou Whitney inherited $100 million dollars from her late husband Cornelius Vanderbilt Whiney PRIOR to providing an alibi for alleged sexual attacker Donald Trump. XOXO

Marylou Whitneys engagement proposal was at Buckingham Palace at a reception hosted by Prince Philip. XOXO

Prince Philip married to Queen Elizabeth.
Link https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2022/06/10/prince-philip-the-queens-greatest-strength-during-her-reign/

Let's take a closer look at the allegations against Donald Trump. XOXO

Trump and his accuser and is that Marylou Whitley??? XOXO

Who is that behind Trump?

Donald Trump with Robert Maxwell (Far Right) Ghislain Maxwell's Dad. It's a family affair. XOXO

There can be NO QUESTION at this point - Donald Trump, Bill Barr and Jeffrey Epstein are thick as thieves and covering up for each other.

If Trump has "Nothing to HIDE" why doesn't he just give the lady his sperm so she can confirm 100% if he raped her or not. Either his DNA is on her dress AS SHE CLAIMS OR IT IS NOT. #TestTheDRESS - Why is Trump using tax payers money to pay for his attorneys and using Attorney General Bill Barr to shield him from these allegations?
Just test the dress. Simple. XOXO

The allegations the U.S. Tax payers are now on the hook for of allegations of Rape by Donald Trump took place in a Manhattan (New York) Bergdorf Goodman Bathroom.

It doesn't look like Marylou Whitney or Attorney General Bill Barr will be able to save Trump from the upcoming trial and DNA evidence alleged on the dress....#WeWait XOXO
Most recent development in #BergdorgGoodmanBathroom Rape allegations against Donald Trump - case is on going as of May 2022.

Cuomo's NYRA is now HISA...XOXO

NYRA's Groping Governor Cuomo calls Trump's HISA "crucial legislation" BOTH have close ties to the Queen of Saratoga - Marylou Whitney. XOXO


I imagine Marylou Whitney would be rather pleased to see the former President of the NYRA - Ellen McClain on the board of HISA's unelected Tyrants, no?


What are the odds Marylou Whitney had close ties to the Royals, getting engaged at Buckingham Palace - with Queen Elizabeth's husband Prince Philip there congratulating her - is ALSO friends with Bill Clinton's MOM - whom she met - AND Donald Trump.
Who else has that kind of clout? Oh ya, Ghislain Maxwell ALSO has close ties with ALL THREE and don't forget -Ray Paulick who worked for her Dad as an Editor of the Racing Times at the time of his death. XOXO

As recently as 2017 Mary Lou Whitney the "Queen of Saratoga and Lexington" Friend of Bill Clinton's Mom, Donald Trump, Ogden Phipps, Prince Philip & Queen Elizabeth and NY Governor Cuomo, head of the NYRA, and she herself was a member of the jockey club. She was also racing horses at Gulfstream Park in South Florida, not too far from where Jeffrey Epstein and and Donald Trump reside. XOXO

Evidently Mary Lou Whitney gets around...

If Mary Lou Whitney had to pay the #TrumpTax at Saratoga with her horses, do you think she could afford Hisa's $90 per start fee at these earnings?

Evidently the day HISA took effect Lone Star Park in Texas - lost roughly $800,000 in handle.
Ironically Marylou Whitney would not be able to race her thoroughbreds there - under her boy Trump's new law. XOXO

Hendrickson Marylou Whitney Stables even have a horse named "Buckingham Prince." XOXO

Marylou Whitney Stables (Hendrickson) just raced a few weeks ago at Churchill Downs - a horse named "Buckingham Prince." XOXO #HidingInPlainSight


She did quite well with her Vanderbilt money. XOXO

Wow - 36,000 acres owned by the Queen of Saratoga and The Queen of Lexington - they were just sitting on all this time in the Adirondacks, as all those ex racehorses were shipped to slaughter. As they lie begging for someone to save them from kill pens or off the race track - or out of slaughter houses in Canada and Mexico. So much land - sitting idly the entire time the horses "rescued" by Dina Albarano were allegedly starving at Hal Parkers.
They say you can have two horses per acre - at 36,000 acres you could have saved 72,000 of them, that is over 7 1/2 years worth of ALL the DEAD THOROUGHBREDS SHIPPED TO SLAUGHTER at 10,000 per year. They could have saved them all. Instead they brought you HISA - now tell me again how HISA is for the HORSES WELFARE? Where is the integrity in that? XOXO

It's also worth noting the STATE OF New YORK also sat on over 20,000 acres on lakes and of wilderness they could have offered as a home to the 10,000 U.S. thoroughbreds shipped to slaughter in Canada and Mexico every year as well.
If you were a horse would you like to live on these 20,000 pristine acres of forest and lake country - once a part of the Whitney Estate in the Adirondacks-previously owned by the Vanderbilts?

March 2018 Mike Whitler - Independent contractor and inspector for the Louisiana Breeders Association went to the ICareIHelp rescue and observed the horses. Here is what he saw.

(Between the King and Queen of Saratoga & advisor to the NYRA & Jockey Club Member )-and the State of New York (which they sold to the state of New York)- they collectively own about 56,000 acres - enough to save 112,000 thoroughbreds, ALL of them for the last 11 years. Just ONE Family had the power to do that and then they sold some to the state of New York, who could have too.
This whole entire time. They have to practically pass right by the "adirondack park" to ship the horses to slaughter in Canada - don't they? And this whole time NOBODY in racing suggested they might stop the truck and let them live out there days in this pristine wilderness owned by the King and Queen of Saratoga and Lexington...XOXO

The NYRA and the Jockey Club was literally sitting on the solution this ENTIRE TIME and offered NONE of this land up to help the thoroughbreds in the chicken coops, kill pens, slaughter houses, and publicly funded rescues. What a pity. This could have been paradise for those horses instead of the ABSOLUTE HELL they must have went through in there final moments at the slaughter houses.

More views of the scenic and pristine Adirondack area.

Now let's look at how the Jockey Club created HISA -
First they hired Five Stones. Investigations to "investigate" their literal competition - fellow horse owners & trainers.
The idea was born in Saratoga five years ago...imagine that.
Then they originally told people to get credentials for HISA they would be partnered with the U.S. Anti Doping agency - who LATER DROPPED OUT.
Only to be replaced by the EXACT SAME PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS CURRENTLY WORKING FOR THE JOCKEY CLUB. What are the odds - that the Jockey Club member Mark Hendrickson - who is actively to this day still racing horses he owns - and advisor to the NYRA - would defend Trump in a sexual assault case - providing an alibi for him - would be the beneficiary of HISA and have his OWN TEAM of PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS Known as "Five Stones Investigations" replace the U.S. Anti Doping agency?
How many private investigation firms are in the U.S.
Bookmakers what are the odds on this?

Hisa was "slow to gain traction in the Senate" so they stuffed it into the COVID BILL.

Things you might not know about Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.


Like Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein the Queen of Saratoga also owned homes in Palm Beach, Florida and New York City. Coincidence?

Some two years LATER (Can you imagine if Dina Albarano sat on $40,000 of the Backside Medical Center's money - for TWO YEARS the HELL THAT WOULD HAVE BROKE LOOSE - the investigations that would have been made public by the Paulick Report? The mud slung by @maggimoss and @fhvictoriakeith but if the Queen of Saratgoga's husband does it...meh. Silence is consent. XOXO
Anyways evidently after this article was published - they have now decided to have a groundbreaking ceremony, as to date only some concrete has been poured in the Saratoga backside medical center-and the money from the delicious pearls has yet to be spent. Tune back in September, maybe then it will be?

Evidently this article must have struck a nerve...this article just dropped, it's about time they finally got around to spend the donated money and help the backside.


#FunFact The Sotheby's auction allegedly raised $400,000 TWO YEARS AGO for the backside worker (Marylou Whitney's jewels sold by her husband after she died).
That is far more than rasised in TOTAL by Dina Albarano but NOBODY in racing mentions the fact it has just been sitting there idle in someone's pocket this whole time- to busy pointing the finger elsewhere.
As Dina Albarano tried to rescue the kill pen horses - who were reported by C.P. Paulick to be in "chicken Coops" the Queen and King of Saratoga sat on 36,000 acres they owned in Upstate New York adirondacks and sat as members of the Jockey Club and NYRA DOING NOTHING to help them and sat on MORE MONEY in donations/jewelry sales - "for Charity" for a pearl necklace alone once owned by the late Marylou Whitney - Queen of Lexington and Saratoga. What a hoot! XOXO

If the King and Queen of Saratoga grew tired of the horses they failed to rescue, while serving on the Jockey Club and NYRA - being at their 36,000 acres in the Adirondacks in Upstate New York- perhaps they could summer at their 100 room Castle in Spain or the Sprawling Family Estate in Palm Beach not far from Donald Trump's Mar A Lago, no?

Birds of a feather flock together...sometimes they are even neighbors in more than one city...XOXO

Address and Proof of Residence of Jeffrey Epstein at 9 E 71 St New York, NY

Proof Of Residence for Marylou Whitney and husband John Hendrickson
781 5th Ave NY, NY
They moved out in 2015. XOXO

Proof of address for Trump Tower...XOXO
721 - 725 5th Ave New York, NY

MaryLous Whitney's Palm Beach home evidently was torn down. Hiding something?
Proof of address. XOXO
109 Jungle Road Palm Beach, FL

Besides being neighbors in New York - Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump and Marylou Whitney and John Hendrickson also lived within a four minute drive of each other in Palm Beach.
With Marylou Whitney "The Queen of Saratoga" living right next door to Jeffrey Epstein, although BOTH residences are NOW TORN DOWN and neither of them live there now. XOXO

Proof of Palm Beach Address Mar a Largo Donald Trump.

Proof of address and demolishment of a "beautiful remodeled house" next door to Jeffrey Epstein at 109 Jungle Road Palm Beach, FL. XOXO

Proof of residence and demolished mansion formerly owned by Jeffrey Epstein
358 El Brillo Way Palm Beach, FL

Knowing John Hendrickson of the Jockey Club and NYRA - who formed HISA, the fact he lived directly next door to Epstein may cause some to look closer at HISA.
Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein would have been giddy to be #Judge #Jury & #executioner over such a fine spy op wouldn't they?

HISA/Jockey Club members Queen of Saratoga Marylou Whitney (Vanderbilt) and John Hendrickson lived 0.3 miles away from Jeffrey Epstein in Palm Beach. BOTH beautiful homes now demolished...coincidence, you tell me...XOXO

#FunFact "reporter" C.P. Paulick also known as Ray Paulick of the Paulick Report-
worked for Ghislain Maxwells Dad Robert Maxwell at the time of his alleged death.
Prolly won't read about these connections from alleged "Crack Pipe Pollock" as coined by Bloodhorse and Indian Charlie. XOXO

Who paid $6.8 million for Mary Lou Whitney's house next door to Jeffrey Epstein ONLY TO DEMOLISH IT?
Why the secrecy?

Why pay more than it's worth BY MILLIONS - only to demolish it?

If it hadn't been demolished - the Queen of Saratoga / Jockey Club/ NYRA Marylou Whitney (Vanderbilt) & John Hendrickson home next to Jeffrey Epstein in Palm Beach would be worth $36 million today. XOXO

A look inside the allegedly "Outdated" former Vanderbilt/Whitney Queen of Saratoga -home on Jungle Road that was demolished. XOXO

If the proximity to Jeffrey Epstein in Palm Beach wasn't enough...to raise red flags.
One may only look to Forbes to see how they clearly pointed out the close proximity to Epstein that the Cornelius Vanderbilt/Marylou Whitney Queen of saratoga home was in New York As well...XOXO

Pictured former employee of Ghislain Maxwell's Dad Ray Paulick with Victoria Keith and Maggi Moss (NTWO). XOXO

Next time you think about shopping at Macy's look closely at the Les Wexner/Jeffrey Epstein ties. What are the odds Wexner would purchase TWO homes from them? One in New York - one in Ohio and rent/give the NY home to Jeffrey Epstein?

John Hendrickson sold the "Queen of Saratoga's" jewelry for $400,000 in a Sotheby's auction for "charity" - (more than Dina took in and used to bail over 150 ex racehorses from a kill pen and offered to the public for free to adopt to save their lives) - and all he has done is poured some concrete at Saratoga -as of the writing of this story.
It's been two years.
Yet as of the writing of this story - BOTH paulick report and thoroughbred daily news wrote stories commemerating him as some sort of HERO - if Dina Albarano of ICareIHelp did that - damn straight she would be in jail right now....imagine that...so why isn't John Hendrickson? Why instead of trashing his name and Maggi Moss having a social media uprising are they instead celebrating him?
Not defending Dina Albarano & I have never received money from her or donated to her - despite what the trolls tell you, just giving you honest reporting you won't see elsewhere including the Jockey Club who is retweeting it as of 8 hours ago, days after this story dropped. XOXO

Fascinating history of Vanderbilt Mansion on 5th Avenue in New York.
You won't believe what Cornelius Vanderbilt allegedly died from...Eeks. XOXO

Spotted...Donald Trump and Ivanna Trump with Andy Warhol at the Art Exhibit at the Art Museum owned by Epstein's neighbors family - Marylou Whitney/Vanderbilts.

Sadly Equibase records show "A Date With Marla" - the foal of "D.J. Trump" raced in all of these races and only won $4,045. Including races at Oaklawn Park and Fairgrounds (louisiana) low level track whose athletes are frequently found in Killpens.

Oaklawn Park Jan 29 1993 A Date with Marla was raced with a $18,000 claiming price. XOXO

Jeffrey Epstein's neighbor Marylou Whitney at the Plaza hotel owned by Trump. XOXO

Trump bought the hotel 3 years later.

Spotted MaryLou Whitney Jeffrey Epsteins Palm Beach and New York neighbor with Steve Asmussen. #FunFact Maggi Moss (NTWO) is his attorney and was an owner when he raced horses for her as her trainer. XOXO

#FunFact There is ALSO a quarter horse named after Trump.
Is it possible this is why HISA does not apply to Quarter Horses? XOXO

Rudy Giuliani - who is accused of supplying broken radio's to the New York City fire fighters on 9/11 by the fire fighters themselves - whose brethren lost their lives in those buildings, after they could got hear the call to come out - and blame Giuliani - has had a fundraiser in Saratoga thrown by the Queen of Saratoga herself - Jeffrey Epstein's neighbor in Palm Beach and Florida - what are the odds? XOXO

Evidently Rudy Giuliani is a "frequent visitor (to) Saratoga, even in the off-season.

How many conservatives dress in drag? How many conservatives motorboat them?
Pictured below Rudy Giuliani dressed as a woman with Donald Trump.

Below Donald Trump is motorboating Rudy Giuliani's fake Titties.
There is video here... XOXO https://itshorsestuffmicha.wixsite.com/horseracingblog/post/long-lost-footage-of-rudy-giuliani-in-drag-with-donald-trump-enjoy-xoxo

#TrumpIsALaughingStock is now trending on Twitter. XOXO 7/10/22.

Here is the video of Trump motorboating Rudy Giuliani dressed as a woman in drag.
What are the odds Leslie Wexner (Jeffrey Epstein's Sugar Daddy/Financiar whatever you like to call it- lived at the same residence on 5th Ave as The Queen of Saratoga?

834 5th Avenue co-ops in Lenox Hill are not cheap. There is one for sale for $25 million at the moment.
Once owned by Lawrence Rockerfeller AND Rupert Murdoch who is widely known as the other magazine - not owned by Ghislain Maxwell's Dad -Robert Maxwell.
What are the odds? XOXO

Let's take a quick look inside, shall we?

Complete with staff room.

How long after the publishing of this article do you think this Upper East Side building will remain intact before they call it "outdated" and turn it into rubble like BOTH Jeffrey Epstein and the Queen of Saratoga's former homes in Palm Beach, Florida - now completely demolished?
How does a Private School Teacher at the Dalton School in the Upper East Side - as Jeffrey Epstein was - afford a $25 million dollar home on a teacher's salary?

What a tangled web we weave...more on the connections to Jeffrey Epstein and the Barr family here...
Quote can be found in video above.

How do you explain Trump hiring Acosta - who personally gave Jeffrey Epstein his sweetheart deal in 2008 when he was charged in Florida for raping and trafficking all of these young girls and destroying their lives? Maria Farmer is asking where they all are? SHE WAS THERE - she knows how many girls are missing! WHERE ARE THEY?

Trump KNEW Jeffrey Epstein was PEDO because he kicked him out of Mar A Lago.
HE KNEW when he hired Bill Barr as Attorney General.
He KNEW when he hired Labor Secretary Alex Acosta.

Why was the Clinton Foundation and the RED CROSS so obsessed with "helping" Haiti?
Haiti being right next door to the Pedophile Island "Little St James" owned by Jeffrey Epstein?

Imagine if the Red Cross and the Clinton Foundation received the same amount of "scrutiny" from Maggi Moss and Ray Paulick that ICareIHelp did?
Dina raised under $400,000 and bailed over 150 thoroughbreds from kill pens.
The RED CROSS ALONE raised over $500 Million for "Haiti" the island next door to Jeffrey Epstein - where did it go?

Where did the $500 million the Red Cross raised for HAITI go?
2011 Trump is at the 54th International Red Cross Ball held at Mar A Lago...Imagine that. XOXO

In 2017 after the $500 million raised for HAITI has allegations of being mis-spent or #Fraud
Trump had the 60th Annual Red Cross Fundraiser at Mar A Lago. XOXO

The President of the Red Cross in Texas had to STEP DOWN after Hurricane Harvey after the Red Cross horrific response and scenes of horrible food being served, donations being thrown out because they'd "just get more in Florida" went viral on social media.
Why didn't Trump call out the RED CROSS as a fradulent organization after that?
Instead of endorsing them publicly at the time?

Imagine if the Red Cross and the Clinton Foundation received the same amount of "scrutiny" from Maggi Moss and Ray Paulick that ICareIHelp did?
Dina raised under $400,000 and bailed over 150 thoroughbreds from kill pens.
The RED CROSS ALONE raised over $500 Million for "Haiti" the island next door to Jeffrey Epstein - where did it go?

Even though the Red Cross collected $500 million for the Haitians and only built 6 houses, even though the CEO of the Texas Gulf Coast Red Cross resigned filled with doubt about his organization very publicly.
Trump and Melania still donated $300,000 to the Red Cross and also donated to the ASPCA (Sarah Maclaughlin commercials- they sit on millions as dogs die daily in kill shelters from coast to coast begging for donations on Twitter - while claiming to need more money on heart wrenching commercials daily).

If you can see above Donald Trump donated $300,000 to the SALVATION ARMY who is tasked with investigating sex trafficking in Saratoga - where Epstein's neighbor also happens to own yet another house. XOXO

Maybe the ASPCA can use Trumps donated $25,000 to help pay for their racketeering settlement which happened in 2012 years before Harvey in 2019 when Trump donated anyway. XOXO

A lawsuit was thrown out by Federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan after it was revealed the Humane Society of the United States paid their 'witness' $190,000. XOXO

Back to Marylou Whitney - they are finally pouring the concrete in July 2022 for the Backside workers at Saratoga they "allegedly raised money for" substitute the name Dina Albarano for Mary Lou Whitley - and ask why they Paulick Report isn't calling this fraud - after TWO YEARS of NOTHING???

Is that HIllary Clinton at Saratoga race track why is this page scrubbed now?

Spotted...Bill Clinton in Saratoga...XOXO

Spotted...Mary Lou Whitney -Jeffrey Epstein's next door neighbor in Palm Beach AND Florida with Donald Trump's Ex Wife Ivanna Trump at the 2006 Kentucky Derby. XOXO
You can purchase the print here.

Jeffrey Epstein the notorious pedophile and sex trafficker's neighbor Mary Lou Whitney with George Bush. XOXO

Spotted Jeffrey Epstein's neighbor with Sarah Palin. #SmallWorld Derby Day at Churchill Downs 2013. XOXO

Spotted Donald Trump with Queen Elizabeth.

Why did Trump put Attorney General Bill Barr who had to recluse himself from the Epstein case citing the fact that he once worked for the Law Firm that defended Epstein and Ivanka Trump who has known Jeffrey Epstein since she was a young girl in charge of sex trafficking?
Is this what you call 4D Chess?

When Donald Trump said "he knew all the best people"- and would hire them - did he mean for America's interests of Jeffrey Epstein and companys?
They say time will tell...so look back and actuallly measure what happened. XOXO

Spotted Trump's Attorney General Bill Barr with George Bush and Dan Quayle in 1991 at the White House's Rose Garden signing a bill.

If Trump was planning on REALLY "draining the swamp" or had plans to #LockHerUP why did he hire an attorney from Jeffrey Epstein's law firm as his attorney general? C'mon man.

Prince Andrew, Melania Trump, and Jeffrey Epstein at a party at Mar A Lago in Palm Beach Florida Feb 12 2000.

Donald Trump, Melania & Prince Andrew at Mar A Lago in 2000.

Prince Andrew with his minor rape accuser and Convicted Sex Trafficker Ghislain Maxwell.

Trump doubled his $41.35 million dollar investment after outbidding Jeffrey Epstein in 2004 -
in 2008 when he sold the house for $95 million for Russian Billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev a short four years later. Not surprisingly the Russian billionaire demolished the house which seems to happen to the former residences of Epstein and his Palm Beach associates.

Look inside the house Donald Trump bought formerly owned by Leslie Wexner.

Marylou Whitney gave $2.5 million dollars to the University of Kentucky-an amount matched by the state.

Marylou Whitney has also been a long time friend of Bill And Hillary Clinton dating back to his days as Governor of Architect. They had "good times" together when the Queen of Saratoga Marylou Whitney would bring her horses down to Arkansas for the winter.
Clinton also visited Saratoga a few times.

Bill Clinton's Mother was also a guest of Mary Lou Whitney. XOXO

Let's recap. XOXO
Mary Lou Whitney's Husband John Hendrickson Advisor to NYRA ran by Groping Governor Cuomo both pictured below. John Hendrickson was also a member of the jockey club for the last five years.

Update 7/14/22 The news is reporting Ivanna Trump was found dead at the bottom of her stairs in her Upper East Side townhome today. Her townhome is halfway between Trump Tower and Jeffrey Epstein and Mary Lou Whitney's Residences (which are right by each other). Ivanna Trump was named was alleged as an accomplice to Ghislain Maxwell by Annie Farmer who lived with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislain Maxwell for a couple years and knew them intimately and ALSO lived close to her previously at Mar A Lago - and in New York. XOXO
Link to video where Annie Farmer describes meeting Ivanna Trump and her friendship with Ghislain Maxell and how they would troll in a limo together looking for underage "Nubile" girls - they have to be "Nubile." - Allegedly Ghislain Maxwell to Annie Farmer.

Bill Clinton with Belinda Stronach (partnered in Magna with Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska) - owner of Stronach Group/Magna/1/st - owner of Pimlico & laurel park horse racetracks in Baltimore, Santa Anita Park in Claifornia, and Gulfstream Park in Florida and Calder Park (Now closed - also in Florida) & Maryland Jockey Club.

Now on to the Whitney Museum in Manhattan New York.
It is owned by Mary Lou Whitney's late husband's Mom (Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney's Mom).
The Whitney Museum has an impressive guest list.
Let's look at it, shall we?
Michell Obama at the Whitney Museum with Art Director Adam Weinberg in 2015. XOXO

New York Mayor Bill De Blasio at the Whitney Are Museum with Michell Obama. XOXO

This is where it gets good...
Former Australian PM Paul Keating's daughter who is a friend of Ghislaine Maxwell - is the Vice _ chair of the Whitney Museum's Performance comittee. XOXO

Spotted Alexandra Keating Whitney Museum Vice Chair Alexandra Keating and Katherin Keating (both daughters of former Australian PM Paul Keating's daughter) partying at Jeffey Epstein's Upper East Side Mansion. XOXO

#MoneyShot Whitney Museum Vice Chair -Katherine Keating with Convicted Sex Trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell at Ghislaine Maxwell's home in 2013 - a full 5 years AFTER Jeffrey Epstein became a convicted pedophile in the sate of Florida.

Santa Anita Park owner Belinda Stronach has a video art piece by Marina Abramovic the #PizzzaGate #SpiritCooker above her sofa that runs on a loop and "in the dark - kinda scares everyone".

Belinda Stronach also has close ties to Bill Clinton and was rumoured to be dating him when Hillary Clinton ran against him.

Belinda Stronach with Bill Clinton.

If you are paying attention you will remember the name Oleg Deripaska for his ties to Paul Manafort - Donald Trumps campaign manager whom Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripask loaned $10 million dollars to. XOXO

Let's take a look at one of Marina Abramovic's 2000 works of art called "Spirit Cooking"
Note: Do not follow her instructions - I STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINSST HIS AND DO NOT ENDORSE MARIA ABRAMOVIC of her creepy art - just letting my dear readers see what she is "creating".

A video of Maria Abramovic art - warning very creepy.
Maria Abramavic performance art - where she "fully expected to die" and let her observers carve into her with objects she laid out on a table she gave them permission to use on her for six hours, evidently the loaded gun got thrown out the window.
Here is a closer look at the table of objects she allowed her "observers" to use on her.

Here are Maria Abramovic's instructions for her "guests" at her performance art - using the above instruments.

Maria Abramovic during the art performance.

This video is Maria Abramovic explaing the art project above from 1974 somehow hearing her tell it is even creepier.
Warning graphic - nudity.
